आदरणीय अभिभावक तथा विद्यार्थी भाइ बहिनीहरु हामी लामो समय देखि कोरोना भाइरसका कारण लकडाउनमा छौं, हामी घरैमा बसिरहदाँ अत्यास लाग्नसक्छ त्यसैले समय मिलाएर यी तल दिएका लिङ्कहरु उपयोग गरी समयको सदुपयोग गर्न विद्यार्थीहरुलाई अनुरोध गर्दछौं । मिदास इक्लास एप डाउन लोड गर्नका...
We have published the online result of final examination 2076 from our ‘ESCHOOL’ website and App on 22nd chaitra 2076(4th April 2020).Hope you all have gone through your results till yet if not, the steps are as follows: Step1:Go to the Eschool ,ezone,...
We are conducting the “Final Terminal Examination 2076” from 2076/11/28(Wednesday) to 2076/12/05(Wednesday) as per the provided and following routines. [Note:There will be the exam on 2076/12/01(Saturday) as well. Sorry for the Inconvenience from...
Golden Peak High School, Saraswatinagar, Kathmandu successfully completed Golden Jamboree 2020 with various performances of the students under the chairmanship of Mr Arjun KC, President of School Management Committee. On this occasion, Mr Peter Aisslinger (a senior...
Golden Peak High School family welcomes all the Students, Parents , Special guests, Guests and Near as well as dear ones on the auspicious occasion of “GOLDEN JAMBOREE 2076” on 10th falgun 2076 Saturday at the GPHS School Premises.