It is a matter of immense pleasure that Golden Peak High School, Kathmandu has received International School Award 2020- 23 from British Council, Nepal on implementing BC ISA projects successfully with national and international collaboration. The Core-skills, International Dimension in curriculum and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were the major components of the projects. On this occasion, we (SMC) would like to congratulate the School for this success. Also, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the entire team of the British Council, Nepal, school staff, students, parents/guardians, and national and international partner schools with their staffs and students.

  1. National Partner: Shanti Vidhya Griha Secondary School, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
  2. International Partner: Leadgate Primary School, UK
  3. International Partner: Pragyan Public School, India
  4. International Partner: Coloren Church School, UK
  5. International Partner: Bloom International School, India


Best wishes for coming days too!

School Management Committee                                                                                                                                                    Golden Peak High School

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