Naag Panchami, as it is known traditionally, occurs during the halfway of the monsoon season. Naag Panchami is a Hindu day of worship of snakes; it is celebrated on the fifth day of Shrawan. Panchami is the fifth day among the fifteen days of the moon’s waxing or waning. This special day of the worship of Naag falls on the fifth day of the moon’s waning in the Lunar Hindu month of Sharawn or July/August. Sanatana festivals are linked to each religion and culture; they enrich our culture with events like Nag Panchami, a day set aside to celebrate the snake deity Nag and reptile worship.
On this day, Nepalese traditionally hang images of serpents over their front doorways to ward off the evil spirits. The doorways are cleansed, and the older picture of serpent is replaced with the newest one. It is widely held that worshiping the serpent king offers defense against snakes. By presenting a sign of milk (the clear liquid made from rice paste), they worship the naag. Near snake holes, people preserve milk for the reptiles. Making cotton garlands, making serpents out of cow dung and rice flour, and worshipping it with cow’s milk, lava, barley, sesame, almonds, and other holy objects are all common practices. If Naag-Panchami is correctly honored each year, it is said that the Naags will grant us good health, money, and blessings throughout our lives. It is also said that worshiping the serpent king offers defense against snakes. And, no amount of medication can cure us if Nags are furious.
According to the Puran, Shesh Naag raises the ground on his head. In the depths of the ocean, Lord Vishnu is dozing off on its coil. The extremely strong Nags include Kali Nag, Bashuki Naag, Astha Naag, Padma Nag, and the Karkot Nags. According to Scripture, there won’t be any rain without the assistance of Naags. So, in order to help the cause of water, people worship Naags, pray to Naags, and leave food offerings like milk and honey in the fields for Naags. Also, People worship snakes in an effort to appease Lord Shiva, who carries a cobra around their neck. Devotees worship live cobras on Nag Panchami Day and offer them milk and other things. Because of the stories and traditions, we have known about Naags, and we take part in a large-scale celebration known as Naag Panchami.
Smriti Yonghang
Grade X