Dear Students,

It is a well known fact among us that the entire world has been suffering from pandemic COVID-19 for a couple of months and our country is also not an exception in this regard. In this extremely adverse situation, we all are compelled to stay under the lockdown as per the directives of the Nepal Government since it is only the most effective way, recommended by medical experts, to break the chain of this pandemic. The danger of rapid global spreading of this pandemic has compelled to shutdown all the academic institutions, including other sectors, throughout the globe. Hence, this situation has made ‘direct classroom studies’extremely impossible. Thus, we have come up with some alternative ways to assist you in academic activities during this time until the school runs in normalcy. Accordingly, we are sending subject-wise educational materials as assignments to you online on daily basis. You are expected to submit the completed activities online as per the instructions of the subject teachers. We hope that it will make us easy to conduct classroom teaching-learning activities when the school opens. Respected parents/guardians, you are kindly requested to cooperate your ward(s) in this regard and we highly appreciate your kind cooperation in this adverse situation.

Hoping for your sincere cooperation to get optimum benefit from this step!


With Kind Regards,

Golden Peak High School,

this is the tutorial link for assignment:





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