The entire world has been badly hitting by the incessant pandemic COVID-19 for more than 8 months of 2020. This pandemic has crippled entire in person education system making it completely disabled all over the world. In such a scenario, virtual education system is only the possible resort to conduct teaching-learning activities for the continuation of learning of the students. Therefore, virtual education system is functioning globally at present to its optimum possibility. In the same connection, Golden Peak High School (GPHS) has started conducting virtual teaching-learning activities for the school students from the beginning of its usual academic year. It has been conducting online live classes on Microsoft Teams, one of the best Learning Management Systems, to its most possible extent. Recently, GPHS has successfully conducted First Terminal Examination-2077 via Microsoft Teams also. The experience of conducting teaching-learning activities and examinations via MS Teams has been gathered profound and astonishing results have been achieved so far.

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