golden peak high school

Student Council
Student Council Work
Social Work By Council
Collaboration Work
Awareness Program

Activities perform by Student Council 


Golden Peak High School, student council are performing various activities involved in the school and different other organization. including the SAP project.

golden peak high school


Here are the members of the student council 2081.

Miss Roshinga Rai

Miss Roshinga Rai

School Captain

Mr. Bijay Tamang

Mr. Bijay Tamang

Vice Captain

Miss Aakriti Ale Magar

Miss Aakriti Ale Magar

Associate Vice Captain

Miss Bisheshta Nepal

Miss Bisheshta Nepal

Red House Captain

Mr. Shikhar Kulung

Mr. Shikhar Kulung

Blue House Captain

Miss. Yancy Lama

Miss. Yancy Lama

Green House Captain

Miss Shibani Luitel

Miss Shibani Luitel

Yellow House Captain

Mr. Sparsh Luitel

Mr. Sparsh Luitel

Red House Vice-Captain

Miss Relisa Gurung

Miss Relisa Gurung

Blue House Vice-Captain

Mr. Merush Kharel

Mr. Merush Kharel

Green House Vice-Captain

Mr. Satyam Bista

Mr. Satyam Bista

Yellow House Vice-Captain

Mr. Samman Shrestha

Mr. Samman Shrestha

Red Assoc.Captain

Mr. Suhith Rai

Mr. Suhith Rai

Blue Assoc.Captain

Mr. Hansal Rai

Mr. Hansal Rai

Green Assoc.Captain

Miss Khusi Rai

Miss Khusi Rai

Yellow Assoc.Captain

Miss Jeshika Shrestha

Miss Jeshika Shrestha

Red Assoc. Vice-Captain

Miss Paridhi Rai

Miss Paridhi Rai

Blue Assoc. Vice-Captain

Miss Aditi Duwadi

Miss Aditi Duwadi

Green Assoc. Vice-Captain

Mr. Aayush Magar

Mr. Aayush Magar

Yellow Assoc. Vice-Captain

Miss Dipti Gurung

Miss Dipti Gurung

Secretariat Member

Mr. Aarush Gurung

Mr. Aarush Gurung

Secretariat Member

Miss Mamata Majhi

Miss Mamata Majhi

Secretariat Member

Mr. Anurab Budhathoki

Mr. Anurab Budhathoki

Secretariat Member