Kathmandu, September 8, 2023

In a thrilling culmination of rhythmic talent and cultural fervor, Third Valley-Wide Interschool Teej Dance Competition was held on September 6, 2023. The event, hosted at the illustrious Rastriya Naachghar, Jamal, Kathmandu and organized by Golden Peak High School, Saraswatinagar, Kathmandu, witnessed fierce competition among 30 participating schools from across the Katmandu valley, with participants showcasing their competitive dance skills and celebrating the cultural tradition of Teej festival with enthusiasm.

The program was held under the chairmanship of the Golden Peak School Management Committee president Arjun Kumar KC among distinguished guests from different sectors along with school principals. Participants securing up to 10th positions were awarded in the program. Cash prizes were introduced in addition to trophies, medals and certificates. Neric Academy was awarded the coveted first place trophy with Cash prize and a collection of medals, in addition to the prestigious winner’s certificates. Bright Angel English Boarding School secured the First Runner-Up position, whereas both Cosmic International School and Him Rasmi High School secured the Second Runner up positions, in an equal contested competition. The trophies, cash prize and certificates of fourth and fifth positions were bagged by Whiz Kids International School and Golden Flower Secondary School respectively.

In addition to the exciting competition with embracing vibrant tradition of Teej, the event featured mesmerizing Teej dance performances, traditional attire, and a celebration of Nepali culture. The judges were impressed by the dedication, creativity, and passion displayed by all the competitors of participating schools. The event served as a platform for students to showcase their artistic prowess and cultural dedication along with fostering friendly competition among schools. Golden Peak High School’s successful organization of the event highlights the importance of promoting cultural heritage and encouraging youth participation in such endeavors.

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